A Seat at the United Nations
The All Peoples Nation seeks to be a completely legitimate, fully recognized nation, worthy of the same respect and attention given to every other nation.
Why would we seek such a status?
The APN does not believe in empowering the United Nations to act on behalf of all nations. The UN's power should not increase. We do not support a "New World Order" or one world government. We believe that the UN is a place to facilitate dialogue and conversation to address common challenges.
The world is so reliant upon technology, connectedness, and information transfer that it has reached the point where abuse of such power is inevitable. The APN, along with a list of other growing concerns, seeks to protect the use of technology, not by force or coercion, but through dialogue and in the world of ideas.
There are currently 33 countries with a population of less than 100,000. Twenty of those have populations under 40,000. It is APN's initial goal to have a population of 40,000 citizens.
There is currently a National Vote underway! Contribute to the Development of the Nation by getting involved.
Become a Citizen of this New, Influential Nation. Your Vote Counts!