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Your Vote Counts

In any government, there must be organization. Without organization, chaos and anarchy reign supreme. In the All Peoples Nation, from within the citizenry, all individuals can put forth their concerns (in the form of a well thought out presentation) for consideration by the people at large. Impact Citizens then choose from the submitted concerns/legislation/issues and then present for a vote the most common concerns of the people in general. These items are then voted on directly by all of the citizens.


Hand of a person casting a vote into the

All Peoples Nation Citizens are each Given a Voice and a Vote, Not a Representative.

Note: Any citizen can choose to become an Impact Citizen.


Privacy of the individual vote is respected completely, and never made public. While that is the case, voting takes the appearance of a real-time poll so that all can see how the vote is progressing. Complete transparency is a critical point addressed in the National Declaration and is strictly upheld by the All Peoples Nation.

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There is currently a National Vote underway! Contribute to the Development of the Nation by getting involved. 

Become a Citizen of this New, Influential Nation. Your Vote Counts!

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All Peoples Nation

© 2018-2019 by ALL Peoples Nation

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