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The National Economic Plan

The All Peoples Nation is melding the creation and implementation of its national currency with a true economy including the sale of practical goods and services, both for its own citizens and for worldwide exchange. A nation's currency (or medium of exchange) should support a real economy, and should tangibly stimulate economic growth and stability.

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7.7 billion APN Digital Coins in total will be released in three phases, with the sale of goods and services implemented at the initiation of the monetary exchange.


- Phase #1 -

2 billion APN digital Coins will be made available exclusively for purchase by citizens or for government payments by the APN Monetary Fund to uphold and strengthen the currency.​


- Phase #2 -

A second release of 2 billion coins will be made available for purchase by citizens and non-citizens.


- Phase #3 - 

Finally, 3.7 billion coins will be made available for purchase by citizens and non-citizens. The monetary exchange will then become active, allowing for free trade between individuals or entities via the APN digital coin. It is at this point the exchange will facilitate a free market economy.


Currency acquired by individuals or entities prior to the active monetary exchange will be retained by those individuals or entities and will not yet be transferable. This is done to strive keeping the coin price at the highest level.

- Become a Citizen Today -

There is No Cost and You'll 

Receive 250 APN Digital Coins for Free.

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All Peoples Nation

© 2018-2019 by ALL Peoples Nation

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