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  • Where did the APN Digital Coin Currency come from?
    One of the distinctions of any independant nation is the creation of a unique nation currency. The All Peoples Nation has created the gold-based APN Digital Coin as its currency. There were a finite number of APN Digital Coins created - 7.7 Billion to be exact. Why does creating a finite number of coins important? This is in contrast to mined digital currencies, such as Bitcoin and others, which have a constanly growing number of coins, weakening its value. The vastly overwhelming majority of "mined coins" are simply algorithms created by programers with no plan for its practical implementation or the reality of its economic underpinnings. The gold-based APN Digital Coin, on the other hand, was created very specifically for financial growth and with a clear economic application. It is important to involve oneself as early as possible in the launch of any new currency and any burgeoning economy such as that of the All Peoples Nation. The All Peoples Nation actually puts the building of the economy at the forefront, and maintaining a high value of its currency is of utmost importance. Purchase the APN Digital Coin - Click Here. **The APN Digital Coin is not a commodity or security, rather, it is a currency created for use within the APN economy. A network of tens of thousands of buyers and sellers is being put in place by the APN as part of its economic focus. It is important to understand the possible risks and rewards in purchasing in the APN Digital Coin. The APN Monetary Fund antipates the value of the APN Digital Coin, though not garenteed, to increase dramatically for use within the APN economy. While that is the opinion of the Monetary Fund, as with any currency aquisitions or purchases, there is always a risk that the value could decrease significally.
  • Why is there a total of 7.7 billion APN Digital Coins?
    When the All Peoples Nation began, there were 7.7 billion people in the world. 7.7 billion APN Digital Coins is symbolic of the world population and the APN's commitment to reaching out to them.
  • What can I do with APN Digital Coin Currency?
    In its initial aquisition phase, APN coins can be purchased and held in preparation for the implementaion of the APN exchange. The pricing/value of the coin will be raised by the Monetary Fund as more coins are aquired until the implementaion of the APN exchange when the free market determines value. A network of tens of thousands of buyers and sellers is being put in place by the APN as part of its economic focus.
  • Why are APN Digital Coins released in phases?
    To maintain the pricepoint of the APN Digital Coin, the Monetary Fund will release coins in phases so as to keep the price of the coin rising until such time as the exchange is initiated and the market determines value. Purchase the APN Digital Coin - Click Here.
  • Who decides when the currency is released or how it is to be used?
    The APN Monetary Fund Regulations as directed in the National Charter outline the release and use of all APN Digital Coins. Purchase the APN Digital Coin - Click Here.
  • How is the value of my APN Digital Coins determined?
    In its initial aquisition phase, the APN Monetary Fund sets the price of the APN Digital Coin. APN Digital Coins can be purchased and held in preparation (unutilized currency revenues are to be held in gold) for the implementaion of the APN exchange when purchasers are then allowed to sell there coins or utilize them as they wish. The pricing of the coin will be gradually raised by the Monetary Fund as more coins are aquired until the implementaion of the APN exchange when the free market between buyers and sellers determines value. It is the opinion of the APN Monetary Fund that the value of the coin will then increase dramatially. Purchase the APN Digital Coin - Click Here. **The APN Digital Coin is not a commodity or security, rather, it is a currency created for use within the APN economy. A network of tens of thousands of buyers and sellers is being put in place by the APN as part of its economic focus. It is important to understand the possible risks and rewards in purchasing in the APN Digital Coin. The APN Monetary Fund antipates the value of the APN Digital Coin, though not garenteed, to increase dramatically for use within the APN economy. While that is the opinion of the Monetary Fund, as with any currency aquisitions or purchases, there is always a risk that the value could decrease significally.
  • How can I purchase the APN Digital Coin?
    At this time, the APN Digital Coin is currently available for purchase only to citizens and honorary citizens. Purchase the APN Digital Coin - Click Here.
  • How is the APN Digital Coin a gold-based coin?
    The APN Digital Coin is a gold-based currency as stipulated in the National Monetary Fund Regulations. The Regulations are in place to uphold the value of the national currency, and to ensure the future growth of its economy. Please read the National Monetary Fund Regulations and the National Economic Planfor more information. ​ At a time when most nations are trying to distance themselves from any concrete accountability for the value their currencies, the APN holds fast to a fiscal discipline that returns to the conventional wisdom of holding national currency reserves in gold (a minimum of 90%) so as to uphold the value of the coin.

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All Peoples Nation

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