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Purchasing the APN Coin

The APN Digital Coin is a gold-based currency as stipulated in the National Monetary Fund Regulations. The Regulations are in place to uphold the value of the national currency, and to ensure the future growth of its economy. Please read the National Monetary Fund Regulations and the National Economic Plan for more information.

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​At a time when most nations are trying to distance themselves from any concrete accountability for the value of their currencies, the APN holds fast to a fiscal discipline that returns to the conventional wisdom of holding national currency reserves in gold (a minimum of 90%) so as to uphold the value of the coin.

Currently, the APN digital coin is being made available to All Peoples Nation citizens and honorary citizens. 


The nation is currently in Phase #1 of the economic rollout, unlocking the first 2 billion coins. Phase #2 will extend availability for non-citizens to also acquire APN digital coin.


If you are currently a citizen or honorary citizen and wish to acquire APN digital coin, click here to log in.


If you are currently not a citizen but would like to acquire APN digital coins, we welcome you to become a citizen

- Become a Citizen Today -

There is No Cost and You'll 

Receive 250 APN Digital Coins for Free.

There is currently a National Vote underway! Contribute to the Development of the Nation by getting involved. 

Become a Citizen of this New, Influential Nation. Your Vote Counts!

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All Peoples Nation

© 2018-2019 by ALL Peoples Nation

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